The Permanent Sub-Committee for Higher Education (JKTPT) headed by the Ministry of Higher Education. It is responsible to review and to coordinate UNESCO related programmes and activities under the capacity of higher education. In order to realize the agenda of internationalisation of higher education, this permanent sub-committee plays the following roles:
- review all UNESCO policies and activities related to areas of competence;
- effectively implement UNESCO policies according to areas of competence and reporting to MNCU;
- provide support through participation and sharing of resources in seminars, conferences, meetings, collaborative projects and research projects organised by UNESCO and its subsidiaries;
- coordinate UNESCO-related issues related to the areas of competence;
- dissemination of information related to the programmes, projects, awards or prizes under UNESCO to institutions and communities in Malaysia;
- evaluate applications submitted for the MNCU’s Seed Fund and ensuring that they meet the established criteria and guidelines; and
- participate in Coordination Meeting of MNCU.
- the network under JKTP is as follows: