The Permanent Sub-Committee for External Relations was established in August 2005 pursuant to the decision made during the 33rd general meeting of MNCU. The Permanent Sub-Committee was initially named as Permanent Sub-Committee on Protocol and Conventions. Taking into account that the role and functions of the Sub-Committee are not limited to only protocol and conventions but also covering Malaysia’s participation at the relevant meetings overseas, its name had been changed to the current one. The Permanent Sub-Committee has the following roles:
- to coordinate Malaysia’s candidature to the UNESCO subsidiary bodies;
- to coordinate the pertinent matter in relation to the ratification of conventions under the UNESCO;
- to advise MNCU on Malaysia’s participation at the General Conference of the UNESCO;
- to coordinate cooperation between MNCU and other relevant international bodies; and
- to provide input in relation to international political affairs.
The Permanent Sub-Committee is chaired by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia and the Human Rights and Humanities Division as the secretariat.