The Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education was combined after the 14th General Election following the decision made by the Cabinet, and now known as the Ministry of Education. Due to this, the Permanent Sub-Committee for Education and the previous Permanent Sub-Committee for Higher Education, is now become one, differentiate by two sectors which is the basic education and the higher education.
The Permanent Sub-Committee for Education (Basic Education) was established on 1 August 2005 under the Ministry of Education Malaysia. It is responsible to strategise, coordinate and review UNESCO related programs and activities under the capacity of Basic Education through the following role:
- directly involved in the programs and activities organised by UNESCO and its subsidiaries;
- dissemination of information related to the programs/ projects under UNESCO to education institutions in Malaysia;
- coordinate UNESCO-related issues related to the basic education sector on areas of learning, teaching, research and management;
- provide support through participation and sharing of resources in seminars, conferences, meetings, collaborative projects and research projects organised by UNESCO and its subsidiaries; and
- manage and participate in meetings of Permanent Sub-Committee, Malaysian National Commission for UNESCO (SKUM):
- Permanent Sub-Committee for Educatin (Basic Education) Meeting; and
- Other Permanent Sub-Committee meetings under SKUM.
The Permanent Sub-Committee For Education (Basic Education) is anchored by the Education Planning and Research Division under the Ministry of Education.