Suruhanjaya Kebangsaan UNESCO Malaysia (SKUM) telah menerima pelawaan pencalonan UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education yang dibiayai oleh Kerajaan Republik China. Anugerah ini adalah bertujuan untuk mengiktiraf sumbangan signifikan dan amalan terbaik individu, institusi, non-governmental organisation (NGO) dan entiti lain dalam memajukan pendidikan kanak-kanak perempuan dan wanita (girls’ and women’s education). Seramai 2 orang penerima anugerah akan menerima sejumlah US $50,000 (setiap seorang).
Sehubungan itu, warga KPM yang berminat boleh mengemukakan borang permohonan kepada sebelum 5 Mei 2023 . Syarat-syarat dan kriteria-kriteria pemilihan bagi penganugerahan hadiah ini adalah seperti berikut:
a) Syarat
- has a clear focus on advancing girls’ and women’s education, and the promotion of gender equality in and through education, and contributes to one or more of the five priority areas of the Prize:
i. Participation: Supporting girls to transition from primary education to lower-secondary education and to complete full basic education;
ii. Literacy: Supporting adolescent girls and young women to acquire literacy skills;
iii. Environment: Supporting the creation of a gender-responsive and safe teaching-learning environment;
iv. Teachers: Engaging teachers to be change agents with gender-responsive teaching attitudes and practices;
v. Skills: Supporting girls and women to acquire knowledge/skills for life and work.
- has already been running for at least two years at the time of nomination (for example a project nominated in 2023 must have been active since May 2021); dan
- shows evidence that it may be replicable, scalable and/or provide significant learning potential for initiatives in other contexts.
b) Kriteria
i. Impact
The project/programme’s impact should be qualitatively and/or quantitatively measurable and deliver tangible results relative to the invested resources;
ii. Innovation
The project/programme stimulates, and/or draws on, innovative approaches advancing girls’ and women’s education. This includes new ways of working where “business as usual” has failed, and transformative “out-of-the-box” thinking and actions; dan
iii. Sustainability
The project/programme has taken steps, ideally from its design or implementation phases, to ensure it will have a lasting impact on girls’ and women’s education beyond the project lifecycle.
Garis panduan dan borang permohonan adalah seperti di Lampiran A, Lampiran B dan Lampiran C.
Sekiranya ada pertanyaan lanjut, calon-calon yang berminat boleh menghubungi pihak SKUM melalui alamat emel atau talian telefon 0388846159.