Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) with the support of the Malaysian National Commissions for UNESCO (MNCU), Selangor Human Resource Development Corporation (SHRDC), Sustainable Energy Develoment Authority (SEDA) and ASEAN Climate Change and Energy Project (ACCEPT) had organized a special webinar on Climate-Energy-Women Nexus in conjunction with E-WiRE: Empowering Women in Renewable Energy Programme. The webinar session which took place on 20 August 2020, involved various national and international speakers such as from SEDA, ACCEPT and Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET).
The objective of the program is to advocate and build capacity in engineering and climate change as well as engaging young women as agents of change. Apart from that, it also serves as a platform for knowledge and accomplishment sharing as well as professional exchange of opportunities and ideas through the establishment of network amongst women in solar industry.
Apart from webinar session, the programme also conducted a virtual tour to UiTM 50 MW Large Scale Solar Farm located in Gambang, Kuantan was also held for the participants. At the end of the programme, participants not just built their skills but also gained knowledge, self-confidence, and professional networks between early-career professionals in the energy sector.
The story of the E-WIRE programme had also been published on https://qswownews.com/energy-climate-and-women-empowerment-discussed-at-uitms-e-wire/